EMC Compo 2026 - Call for organizers
A call for organizers for the 15th EMC Compo 2026 has been released by Dr. Alexandre BOYER, EMC Compo coordinator.
Proposals should be sent to alexandre.boyer@insa-toulouse.fr before end March 2025.
At present, we received a proposal to host EMC Compo in December 7-10, 2026 at Okayama Convention Center, Okayama City, Japan, by Prof. Makoto Nagata, Kobe University nagata@cs.kobe-u.ac.jp
EMC Compo 2024 - Torino, Italy
The 14th EMC Compo 2024 has been organized October 7-9, 2024 by Franco Fiori, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Web site: https://emccompo2024.it/
EMC Compo 2021 (22) - Bruges, Belgium
The 13th EMC Compo 2021 (2022) was chaired by Prof. Davy Pissoort and organized in Bruges, Belgium, March 8-11, 2022. More information on web site https://emccompo2021.eu/
Technical Program Committee
- Adil El Abazzi Thales Group Bordeaux France
- Alexandre Boyer LAAS-CNRS France
- Andre Durier Continental France
- Bernd Deutschmann Technical University of Graz Austria
- Bertrand Vrignon NXP France
- Davide Pandini ST Microelectronics Italy
- Davy Pissoort KU Leuven Bruges Belgium
- Erica Raviola Politecnico di Torino Italy
- ErPing Li Zhejiang University China
- Etienne Sicard INSA Toulouse France
- Fabian Vargas PUCRS Brazil
- Franco Fiori Politecnico di Torino Italy
- Frank Klotz Infineon Germany
- Frederic Lafon Valeo France
- Hugo Pues Melexis Belgium
- Hyun Ho Park The University of Suwon South Korea
- Jan Niehof NXP Netherlands
- Jean-Michel Redoute Universit y of Liege Belgium
- Jeremy Raoult Montpellier University France
- Jianfei Wu NUDT China
- Kamel Abouda NXP France
- Makoto Nagata Kobe University Japan
- Mart Coenen EMCMCC Netherlands
- Mohamed Ramdani ESEO Angers France
- Mototsugu Okushima Renesas Japan
- Osami Wada Kyoto University Japan
- Richard Xian-Ke Gao Institute of High Performance Computing A*STAR Singapore
- Renaud Gillon SYDELITY Belgium
- Richard Perdriau ESEO Angers France
- Seungyoung Ahn KAIST Korea
- Sergey Miropolsky Infineon Germany
- Shih-yi Yuan Feng Chia University Taiwan
- Sonia Ben Dhia LAAS-CNRS France
- Umberto Paoletti Hitachi Ltd. Japan
- Wolfgang Wilkening Bosch Germany
Last update Nov. 05, 2024 by E. Sicard
Past EMC Compo Events
- The 12th EMC Compo 2019 was chaired by Prof. Er-Ping Li and organized in Zhejiang University International Campus, Haining, Hangzhou, China, Oct 21-23, 2019. Link to EMC Compo 2019 web site: www.emcconf.org
- The 11th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits, EMC Compo 2017, has been organized by Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia, Tue 4th – Friday 7th July 2017.
- The 10th International Workshop on the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits, better known as EMC Compo 2015, has taken place in Edinburgh, United Kingdom between November 10th to 13th, 2015. Welcoming researchers and engineers from both industry and academia, delegates have exchanged the latest research and experience in IC-level EMC. EMC Compo 2015 has coincided with the 150th Anniversary of the publication of Maxwell's Equations, and was organized in partnership with the James Clerk Maxwell Foundation and Cirrus Logic. Conference chair: Kieran O' Leary, Mixed Signal Systems, Scientific chair: John Dawson, University of York. Link to IEEE Xplore selection of papers from EMC Compo 2015
- The 9th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits EMC Compo 2013, Nara, Dec. 15-18th, 2013, Japan has been the first workshop to be held outside Europe. The workshop was focused on emission and susceptibility issues of digital, analogue and mixed-signal integrated circuits. General chair: Osami WADA, professor, University of Kyoto.
- The 8th International Workshop EMC Compo 11 has been organized on November 6-9, 2011, in Dubrovnik, Croatia. General chair: Renaud Gillon, ON Semiconductor Belgium; Technical program chairs: Georges Gielen, K.U. Leuven, Adrijan Baric, Univ. of Zagreb
- The 7th International Workshop EMC Compo 2009 was held in Toulouse, France, Nov 17th-19th, 2009. It has coincided with the 10th Anniversary of the first EMC compo workshop. General chair: Prof. Etienne SICARD, INSA Toulouse, Scientific Chair: Sonia Ben Dhia, INSA Toulouse, Scientific Co-chair: Bertrand Vrignon, Freescale Toulouse
- The 6th International Workshop EMC Compo 2007 was help November 28th - 30th, 2007 at Centro Congressi Unione Industriale, Torino, Italy. General Chair: Prof. Franco Fiori, Politecnico di Torino, Co-Chair: Prof. Vincenzo Pozzolo, Politecnico di Tori
The 5th International Workshop EMC Compo 2005 was organized on November 28th - 30th, 2005 in Munich, Germany by FhG IZM and Infineon. General chair: Thomas Steinecke, Infineon, Munich.
- The 4th International Workshop EMC Compo 2004 was organized in March 31st - April 1st, 2004, Angers, France. Organized by ESEO, Angers, France, General chair: Mohamed Ramdani, professor ESEO
- The 3rd International Workshop EMC Compo 2002, for the first time all in English, was organized at Hotel ATRIA, Toulouse, France, 14-15 Nov 2002, on behalf of IERSET research institute. General chair: Etienne Sicard, INSA/Toulouse, France
- The 2nd Workshop CEM Compo 2000 was organized at Hotel ATRIA, Toulouse, France, June 28-29, 2000. The workshop was in French, on behalf of IERSET research institute. General chair: Etienne Sicard, INSA/Toulouse, France
- The 1rst Workshop on CEM Compo 1999 was organized at INSA Toulouse, Toulouse, France, Jan. 14-15, 1999, in French, on behalf of IERSET research institute. General chair: Etienne Sicard, INSA/Toulouse, France